
I am currently working in the area of Database Engines and Distributed Systems.

Previously, I got the MS degree at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. Working in the iSEE Lab, I researched some challenging problems (e.g., knowledge preserving, data bias, few-shot) of Machine Learning and Computer vision which are derived from the practical applications on Medical Image Analysis. I focused on Continual learning (or Incremental learning), exploring solutions to train Neural Networks continually.

My other interests include Digital Image Processing and Compiling Theory.

Email: chh.zhong[at]outlook[dot]com



  • Continual-Learning-Reproduce: A general framework designed for the implementation of Class Incremental (or Continual) Learning (CIL) methods. Researchers can easily reproduce the results of various studies and develop their own innovative algorithms.
  • Time-Tracking-Mode: A simpler option that only records working time locally using pure Elisp, without the additional features of third-party integration.

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Graduate Award (top 2%), South China Normal University, 2019.

  • Fifth place (out of 450 teams), ISBI C-NMC Challenge: Classification in Cancer Cell Imaging, 2019.

  • Grand Prize for Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (top 0.1%), 2018.